60 Curtis Tignor Road - Newport News, VA 23608 - (757) 886-7760

Dutrow Elementary School

Accredited by the Virginia Dept. of Education

Karen Brown, Principal


Our Mission: Dutrow serves to develop responsible, respectful citizens ready for an interconnected, interdependent world by recognizing global relationships and how they impact our lives.

Global Studies Magnet Program

The Global Studies magnet program encourages students to meet learning experiences with confidence and independence. Focusing on world issues, students examineother cultures, and through inquiry-based learning, they research big concepts across the disciplines such as: literacy, ecology, economics, technology,government, equality and culture. As students progress through the program, they master increasingly complex learning tasks. Students are exposed to reading,writing and speaking Spanish and/or French as a second language. Learn more about our magnet program and how to apply.

Dutrow Dolphins logo

Interested in our Magnet Program?
Send us a message!

Contact the Magnet Director


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Speak Up for Safety: Report safety concerns to speakup@nnschools.org or call 757-765-4440 or click the SpeakUp icon on your Chromebook.

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